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How to love yourself and be confident?

21 Effortless Hacks on How to Love Yourself and Be Confident

Are you trying to learn how to love yourself and be confident with who you are? Well, from personal experience, I can say that this is easier said than done. When you’re caught in a low self-esteem spiral, it can be hard to just “flip a switch” and suddenly become a person brimming with self-esteem ... Read more

Self-love for women

Self-Love for Women: A Path to Your Personal Fulfillment

Do you ever feel like you’re constantly trying to meet society’s expectations of what a woman should look like, act like, or be like? I know I have. As a woman, I’ve often felt the pressure to conform to specific beauty standards, prioritize others’ needs over my own, and be everything to everyone. But here’s ... Read more

Self-love in relationships

Self-Love in Relationships: Why it Matters?

Do you know that feeling of being completely drained, trying everything you can to accommodate a relationship, only to feel like you don’t have a solution? You’re not the only one, and I’ve been there too. It’s impossible to pour love and support into other people’s cups when yours is empty. Through trial and error, ... Read more

How to love yourself without a man?

3 Easy Steps On How to Love Yourself Without a Man

If you feel incomplete without a significant other in your life or feel immense pressure when it comes to being single, it’s time to get something straight – you don’t need a man to love yourself. Men are wonderful creatures and companions that can bring plenty of joy into our lives, but no woman’s happiness ... Read more

How to love yourself after a breakup?

31 Effective Steps On How to Love Yourself After a Breakup

I remember my first big breakup. It was one of the most painful experiences of my early adult life. It was as if the wind had been taken out of my sails. I felt like a small part of myself had been lost. To be perfectly honest, I didn’t really know who I was afterward. ... Read more

Being in a relationship without self love

Being in a Relationship Without Self-Love: Why We All Do That?

We’ve all heard the saying, “You can’t love someone else without loving yourself first”. We simply take this as truth, because it sounds truthful. I’m here to tell you, this isn’t true at all. You can love someone without loving yourself. In fact, a lack of self-love often prompts us to love someone else too ... Read more

self love after toxic relationship

20 Simple Ways How to Self-Love After Toxic Relationship

No one starts out looking for a toxic relationship. They just sort of happen, but they have a strange way of becoming habitual. Suddenly, toxicity is like your “thing”. You might share memes about it, joke about it with your friends, and desperately try to cover up the fact that deep down, you are humiliated ... Read more

why i let go of my sister

Ending Relationship With My Sister: Why I Finally Let Her Go?

Your sister is supposed to be your best friend. No matter what you go through, she’s the confidant you can always count on. She’ll be your biggest cheerleader and best friend, and maybe, sometimes, your worst enemy. So letting go of one of the people you love the most is not easy. I have always ... Read more

Relationship Counseling and Why You May Need it

Relationship Counseling and Why You May Need it

When you find the person you love, you’re on cloud nine. You look at them with rose-colored glasses and imagine your future together in the same positive light. After you’ve been together for a while, you will learn that your initial thoughts at the beginning of the relationship might have been a little idealistic. That’s ... Read more

What is Happiness and Why is it Different for Everyone

What Is Happiness and Why Is It Different for Everyone?

We all want to be happy but what is happiness exactly to any of us? Fortunately, being happy is easier said than done for many people. If you are one of the people who struggle to be happy, you may look at others and wonder how they appear to be so happy and how you ... Read more