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Narcissistic Father Abandons his Daughter

13 Reasons Why a Narcissistic Father Abandons His Daughter: It’s Not You

As a child of a narcissist myself, I understand the pain of living in a world where one parent’s love feels more like a spotlight scorching your self-worth. But my cousins faced a different heartbreak: their narcissistic father abandoning them to start a new family. I’ve witnessed firsthand the deep scars it caused, which made ... Read more

Dating the Daughter of a Narcissistic Father

Dating the Daughter of a Narcissistic Father: Challenges & Complexities

Wondering what it’s really like dating the daughter of a narcissistic father? It’s tricky. Now, you and I both know that love is messy, but when narcissism is involved, it gets a whole lot messier. I’m not saying I’m an expert. However, growing up with a narcissistic mother myself, I know the dance of tiptoeing ... Read more

Characteristics of Sons of Narcissistic Fathers

15 Common Characteristics of Sons of Narcissistic Fathers

If your dad shamelessly one-ups your every accomplishment to be the center of attention, I won’t be shocked if you think your father is a narcissist. As a child of a narcissist mom, I get it. But what I’m curious about is the sons on the other side of the coin, those raised by fathers ... Read more

Cutting off Your Narcissistic Father

Cutting off Your Narcissistic Father: When & How You Should Take Action

Does your dad shower you with praise when you succeed, then snatch it back with a snide remark? Does he guilt-trip you with “you’re the only one who cares?” Well, you’re not imagining things. Growing up with a narcissistic mom myself, I learned that these are some of the not-so-subtle signs of a narcissistic parent. ... Read more

No Contact With Your Elderly Narcissistic Father

Going No Contact With Your Elderly Narcissistic Father: 13 Tips For You

Whatever your story, if you’re here, then you’re probably at a crossroads. Your dad’s getting older, the guilt whispers are coming in loud and clear, and you may be wondering: can I really go no contact with my elderly narcissistic father? The answer is as messy and nuanced as life itself. Going no-contact with a ... Read more

Signs of a Covert Narcissist Father

15 Damaging Signs of a Covert Narcissist Father You Must Know

Let’s talk about dads. Not the grill-master, football-loving kind, but the ones who leave an emotional bruise instead of a high five. You know the type: the master of manipulation who can charm a roomful of strangers while leaving their kids feeling like shadows. I grew up with a mom who’s a textbook narc, but ... Read more

Narcissistic Father Jealous of His Daughter

Narcissistic Father Jealous of His Daughter: Signs and How I Respond

Do you often wonder if your dad held a lifetime supply of shade instead of sunshine? Like your proudest achievements were trophies he desperately needed to one-up? I get it. Growing up with a narcissistic mother myself taught me a thing or two about family dynamics. From the passive-aggressive put-downs to the suffocating need for ... Read more

How to Defeat a Narcissist Father

How to Defeat a Narcissist Father: 9 Psychological Tips You Can Use Today

Did your childhood feel like a zero-sum game, where your narcissist dad’s ego feasted on your emotional crumbs? If so, you’re in the right place. Trust me, I understand why you’re eager to learn how to defeat a narcissistic father. I spent years dodging emotional landmines disguised as conversations with my own narcissistic mom. Therapy ... Read more