Cut Off Narcissistic Mother: How I Finally Cut Ties With Her After 30 Years of Hell

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I grew up in the suffocating shadow of a narcissistic mother, enduring three long decades of emotional turmoil.

The constant manipulation, gaslighting, and relentless need for control left me feeling like a prisoner in my own life.

So in my pursuit of self-preservation, I made the decision to cut off my narcissistic mother.

It wasnโ€™t easy, and it certainly wasnโ€™t the fairy-tale ending I had hoped for, but it was a crucial step in reclaiming my own identity.

In sharing my story of how I summoned the courage to sever those ties, my only hope is to inspire others trapped in similar struggles to find their own path to freedom.

  • Confronting the painful truth that you donโ€™t need a narcissistโ€™s toxicity in your life is the first crucial step toward regaining your independence and self-worth.
  • By limiting the information you share with your toxic mother and distancing yourself from her manipulations will help you maintain a strong mindset.
  • Avoid engaging with family members who donโ€™t agree with your choice. Consider seeking professional counseling to navigate the complex emotions and doubts resulting from cutting ties with your narcissistic mother.

Cut Off Narcissistic Mother: How and Why Did I Do It?

At 40, I made a decision that forever altered the course of my life: I severed ties with my narcissistic mother.

Since that painful day, I havenโ€™t had any direct contact with her. The only updates I receive are through my father, who still deals with her because of my siblings.

She hasnโ€™t even seen my son, which just reveals her true nature.

Now, as I reflect on the years that led to me cutting off my narcissistic mother, the resounding โ€œhowโ€ and โ€œwhyโ€ echo through my thoughts.

I confronted numerous challenges, wrestled with guilt, and ultimately made a painful but necessary choice for my well-being.

If youโ€™re planning to go no contact with your narcissistic parent, let me walk you through the web of emotions, the search for clarity, and the pivotal moments that culminated in my decision.

1. Tell Her You Donโ€™t Need Her in Your Life

Confronting my narcissistic mother meant facing the painful truth: I didnโ€™t need her toxicity in my life any longer.

This declaration marked my first step towards reclaiming my independence and self-worth. It was an assertion of my right to a life free from manipulation and emotional abuse.

Growing up with a narcissistic mother, I had been conditioned for years to believe that her approval and love were essential for my well-being.

Her constant manipulation and relentless need for control were holding me, hostage, stifling my growth and happiness.

By finally vocalizing my independence and setting boundaries, I took a vital step in reclaiming my own identity.

Choose your words carefully. Remain firm yet empathetic, and be prepared for their reaction.

2. Provide Her With Very Little Information About What Youโ€™re Up To

Sharing details about my life had always been an opportunity for my mother to manipulate and exert dominance.

But by limiting the information I shared, I regained control over my narrative and protected my emotional well-being.

It was a silent rebellion, a necessary boundary that prevented her from exploiting my personal details for her gain.

Cutting off her access to my life was an act of self-preservation and a crucial part of my journey toward healing and personal growth.

Establish clear boundaries. Share only what is necessary to maintain a civil relationship, while keeping your personal life private.

3. Inform Close Friends and Family of Your Decision

Letting my close friends and family know of my decision was both empowering and therapeutic.

It provided me with a network of understanding individuals who could offer guidance, empathy, and a safety net during those challenging times.

This open communication helped me reinforce my resolve and feel less isolated in my decision.

Ultimately, it helped strengthen my determination to break free from the toxic grip of my narcissistic mother.

Choose individuals you trust and who can provide emotional support. Clearly express your reasons and boundaries, and seek their empathy and guidance.

4. Unfriend Her From All Your Social Media Accounts

My mother used social media as a tool for manipulation, often exploiting my personal life to maintain control.

Disconnecting from her online presence was a symbolic and practical act of separation, reaffirming my decision to break free from her emotional grasp.

It allowed me to establish a digital boundary, shielding my life from her prying eyes and ensuring my social media remained a haven of positivity and authenticity.

This action marked the beginning of a digital detox, enabling me to carve out my space, free from her toxic influence.

Review and adjust your privacy settings first to ensure they cannot access your content. Then, unfriend or block them to create a clear digital boundary.

5. Block Her and Other Enabling Family Members

As I distanced myself from my narcissistic mother, I recognized that to truly break free, I needed to go a step further and block not only her but also the enabling family members who perpetuated her harmful influence.

These individuals fueled her manipulative behaviors, making it even more challenging to escape her grasp.

By blocking them, I created a protective fortress around my newfound boundaries.

It was a painful but necessary measure, ensuring that I could heal without interference, outside judgment, or unwanted guilt trips.

Mentally prepare yourself for potential backlash or guilt trips. Remember that prioritizing your well-being is essential.

6. Avoid Mutual Gatherings or Events

I learned the hard way that avoiding mutual gatherings was an important part of my journey to break free from my narcissistic motherโ€™s grasp.

One particularly painful memory etched in my mind was a family gathering where her narcissism took center stage.

She used the occasion to belittle and demean, making others uncomfortable, and asserting her dominance.

It was a stark reminder of the emotional turmoil that awaited me in such settings. By choosing to step back from these gatherings, I regained control over my life.

It was a difficult decision, but it allowed me to protect my emotional well-being and disentangle myself from the cycle of manipulation.

Remember that prioritizing your emotional well-being is not selfish but self-preserving. Communicate your boundaries honestly and calmly, emphasizing the need for personal healing.

7. Trust Your Intuition That Youโ€™ve Done the Right Thing

Trusting my intuition that I’d done the right thing by cutting ties with my narcissistic mother was a hard-won victory.

Doubts often crept in, fueled by well-meaning but misguided voices that questioned my decision. Yet, deep down, I knew that prioritizing my mental and emotional health was important.

This journey was about self-discovery and healing, and my intuition whispered that the path to freedom was the right one.

Over time, that trust in my own judgment and resilience became my anchor.

It allowed me to find peace, build healthier relationships, and move forward with the conviction that I had made the right choice for my own well-being.

Keep a journal of your experiences and emotions to remind yourself of the reasons behind your choice and the progress you’ve made.

8. Donโ€™t Listen to Family Members Who Donโ€™t Agree With You

One crucial piece of advice I learned on my journey to break free from my narcissistic mother was not to listen to family members who didnโ€™t agree with my decision.

While there were those who supported my mother and her harmful behavior, I knew I couldnโ€™t afford to waste time and energy on such individuals.

Their opinions only added to the emotional burden I had been carrying for years.

Instead, I focused on surrounding myself with those who empathized with my struggle, understood the toxicity I was escaping, and offered me the support and validation I needed.

It was a vital step in silencing the doubters and staying true to the path of self-preservation.

Politely decline to engage in arguments or debates about your choice. Seek support from friends or therapists who can provide empathy and validation.

9. Stay Close With People You Trust

In my journey to cut off my narcissistic mother, I found solace and strength in staying close to the few people I could trust.

My family circle had dwindled, with only my two cousins and a cherished childhood friend remaining by my side.

The rest of the family, at least from my motherโ€™s side, had distanced themselves, driven by their own agendas or prejudices.

While the loss was painful, I wasnโ€™t surprised, for they had never truly liked me beyond the utility they saw in me.

The unwavering support of these trusted individuals became my lifeline.

It was a reminder that genuine connections built on trust and mutual respect were far more precious than toxic, one-sided relationships.

Focus on shared interests that bring you in contact with like-minded individuals. Engaging in hobbies, clubs, or volunteering can help you naturally connect with people.

10. Seek Professional Counseling or Therapy

One of the most difficult things in my journey of cutting off my narcissistic mother was the realization that I needed to do it alone.

I didnโ€™t seek counseling at the time, but I knew I had to rid my life of her presence.

However, I understand that for many facing similar challenges, professional counseling or therapy can be an invaluable resource.

A trained third party can provide the clarity, support, and guidance needed to navigate the complex emotions, doubts, and fears that arise when breaking free from a toxic family relationship.

Seeking this assistance can make one of the most challenging journeys a bit more manageable.

Go to therapy even before making a final decision. A therapist can help you explore your feelings and options, providing valuable insights and emotional support.

11. Only Answer Her Questions That Are Essential in the Most Boring Way Possible

In the early stages of cutting contact, my mother did attempt to reach out, but her intentions were far from genuine.

It was evident that she was trying to manipulate the situation, perhaps seeking financial support.

In response, I chose to give my mother only the most essential and mundane answers, intentionally dull and unengaging.

This approach sent a clear message that her attempts to reconnect wouldnโ€™t bear fruit unless her motivations were sincere.

Keeping the interactions brief and uninspiring was a strategic way to ensure that she understood I wouldnโ€™t be swayed when she didnโ€™t get her way, firmly maintaining the boundaries I had established.

Maintain limited contact and set clear boundaries. Respond to their questions or requests with only necessary information, keeping your responses neutral and concise to protect your emotional well-being.
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What Did My Narcissistic Mother Do After I Cut Her off From My Life?

Once I made the difficult but necessary decision to cut ties with my narcissistic mother, her reactions were a tumultuous storm of manipulation and drama.

From spreading rumors to shifting blame and playing the victim, her actions were a testament to the tumultuous dynamics of a toxic relationship.

Hereโ€™s a glimpse of what transpired after I cut off my narcissistic mother from my life:

1. She Spread Rumors About Me Being a Bad Daughter.

My narcissistic motherโ€™s need to portray herself as the victim pushed her to spread rumors about me being a bad daughter.

In front of people, sheโ€™d say things like I didnโ€™t care about her, didnโ€™t want the best for her, and even question my love and devotion.

These damaging narratives were her attempts to manipulate perceptions and elicit sympathy, painting herself as the victim of a situation she had largely orchestrated.

2. She Told Everyone That It Was All My Fault.

Engaging in a relentless smear campaign, my narcissistic mother told everyone that it was all my fault.

You see, when she doesnโ€™t get her way, she skillfully shifts the blame onto me, portraying herself as an innocent party.

Her manipulative tactics aimed to vilify me in the eyes of others, making it seem as if I were the source of all our problems.

This tactic was a desperate attempt to preserve her own image and control over the situation.

3. She Tried to Make Me Feel Guilty.

With her narcissistic personality disorder at the forefront, my mother’s attempts to make me feel guilty were relentless.

She used emotional manipulation, throwing tantrums, and leveraging past grievances to elicit guilt and maintain control.

Her tactics were designed to keep me emotionally ensnared and question my decision to cut ties, making me doubt the validity of my own emotions and needs.

4. She Pretended to Cry and Played the Victim.

Narcissists donโ€™t hesitate to employ theatrical strategies, and my mother was no exception. She frequently resorted to pretending to cry and playing the victim.

These performances were designed to elicit sympathy and guilt, casting herself as the injured party and me as the aggressor.

It was a manipulative tactic that aimed to destabilize my resolve, making me question my decision to cut ties by casting doubt on the validity of my feelings.

5. She Told Family Members to Cut Me off From Their Lives.

In her bid to maintain control of my life, my narcissistic mother didnโ€™t hesitate to pressure family members to choose sides.

My mum would coerce them into cutting me off, manipulating their perceptions and feeding them a skewed narrative.

This tactic was a divisive and hurtful move, further isolating me from those I cared about.

It reflected her relentless need for dominance and her willingness to damage existing relationships to maintain that control.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do you begin the process of cutting off a narcissistic mother from your life?

You can start by confronting the painful truth that you donโ€™t need their toxicity in your life. Assert your right to a life free from manipulation and emotional abuse.

What should you do if you want to cut off contact with a narcissistic mother but still want to receive updates through other family members?

You may do so by informing close friends and family of your decision to seek their support and create a safety net during challenging times.

How can you protect your emotional well-being when dealing with a narcissistic mother on social media?

You can protect your emotional well-being when dealing with a narcissistic mother on social media by unfriending or blocking her on social media to establish a clear digital boundary, ensuring your online presence remains positive and authentic.

What are some tactics you can use to stay firm in your decision to cut off a narcissistic mother?

Some of the tactics you can use are to trust your intuition and focus on surrounding yourself with supportive individuals who empathize with your struggle.

How do you deal with the manipulative actions of a narcissistic mother after cutting ties?

By focusing on your well-being and enforcing firm boundaries. It’s important to seek support when necessary.

3 thoughts on “Cut Off Narcissistic Mother: How I Finally Cut Ties With Her After 30 Years of Hell”

  1. I recently cut off my narcissistic mother. First I’ve felt some weird kind of pain and like mind was foggy. She sent members to contact me, and ofcourse she spread rumors about me and how I am a bad daughter. I need to know how to tell my children we will no longer see grandma?


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