How To Stay Consistent In Your Healing After Narcissistic Abuse

How To Stay Consistent In Your Healing After Narcissistic Abuse

Healing from narcissistic abuse isn’t just about knowing what to do—it’s about doing it consistently. And let’s be real: that’s the hardest part. One day, you’re motivated. The next, life gets in the way. Before you know it, you’re stuck in the same cycle, wondering why nothing’s changing. But here’s the truth, healing doesn’t happen … Read more

8 Reasons Why You Struggle to End Relationthips With Narcissists

8 Reasons Why You Struggle to End Relationthips With Narcissists

Ending a relationship with a narcissist? Ha! If only it were that easy. Narcissistic people have a way of sinking their claws into your mind, twisting reality, making you question yourself, and convincing you that dealing with narcissistic people is just part of life. Their narcissistic behavior isn’t just toxic, it’s a psychological chokehold. And … Read more

20 Affirmations For Narcissistic Abuse Survivors

20 Affirmations For Narcissistic Abuse Survivors

Recovering from narcissistic abuse is like trying to rebuild a house on an earthquake fault line. If you’re reading this, you’re probably no stranger to feeling like your foundation has been shaken. For me, it started at a very young age, when my family dynamics were less “loving home” and more “survival of the fittest.” … Read more

7 Patterns Resilient People Have After Healing From Narcissist Trauma

7 Patterns Resilient People Have After Healing From Narcissist Trauma

Ever notice how some people can go through the hardest experiences and somehow come out stronger? Maybe you’ve met someone like that, a friend, a family member, or even yourself. They’re the ones who’ve faced storms that might have sunk anyone else but still stand tall, maybe even thriving. If you’re like most of us, … Read more

How to Deal With a Covert Narcissistic Father: 11 Eye-Opening Tips

How to Deal With a Covert Narcissistic Father: 11 Eye-Opening Tips

So, you’ve got yourself a covert narcissistic father. Congrats, you’ve hit the jackpot of emotional rollercoasters! You might feel like you’re constantly walking on eggshells, second-guessing yourself, or wondering why interactions with him always seem to end with you feeling, well, off. It’s not you, it’s him. Trust me on that! And no, you don’t … Read more

8 Typical Trauma Responses You’ll Face After Narcissistic Abuse

8 Typical Trauma Responses You’ll Face After Narcissistic Abuse

Narcissistic abuse is no walk in the park, it’s more like a marathon through a minefield. I can say that because I’ve been there years ago. If you’ve been there, you know that the aftermath isn’t just something you can just “shake off.” The effects run deep, and they stick around like that annoying pop … Read more

5 Ways Your Childhood Trauma is Sabotaging Your Happiness

5 Ways Your Childhood Trauma is Sabotaging Your Happiness

Let’s cut the crap, loneliness sucks. It’s that ugly, creeping feeling that shows up when you least expect it, usually right as you’re about to fall asleep or when you’re at a party pretending to enjoy yourself. But here’s the kicker, loneliness isn’t just about not having people around you. Nope. It’s way more insidious … Read more

Why Grieving After Narcissist Abuse Is A Quintessential?

Why Grieving After Narcissist Abuse Is Quintessential?

You’ve just left a narcissistic relationship, whether it’s family or friends, let me be the first to say, congratulations on having the courage to take one of the hardest steps in your life. So, instead of feeling relief, you’re overwhelmed with sadness, trust me I get it. I was there myself a few years ago. … Read more