Physically Fit vs Mentally Strong, the answers might surprise you

Physically Fit vs Mentally Strong: The Answer Might Surprise You

One night after coming home from the gym, I told my husband that I was exhausted and he said “you know, it doesn’t matter how much you take care of your physical well-being. If you neglect your mental health, you will feel like sh*t more often than you want to.” And it got me thinking, … Read more

Why do people lie and how to stop lying

Why Do People Lie and How to Deal with Liars

They say, “Tell a lie once, and all your truths become questionable”. But, isn’t it true that everyone lies? Be that good-natured dishonesties and harmless tricks, or carefully fabricated deceits and blatant frauds, distorted truths are so deeply intertwined with the human nature that we cannot but ask: why do people lie? Why Do People … Read more

attitude is everything

Attitude is Everything – Learn Why Most Still Carry The Wrong One

There are a lot of factors that determine our success, some of which are completely out of our control. The number one factor in determining how successful we are, though, is completely within our own control – attitude. Saying that attitude is everything is more than a feel-good quote out of a self-help book or … Read more

25 Self-Esteem Activities and Challenges For Anyone

25 Self-Esteem Activities and Challenges For Anyone

Self-esteem is a very intimate subject for many, including myself. Growing up in a culture where physical beauty defines how your future is going to turn out, I was considered a failure the day I was born. There wasn’t a lot of encouraging words from my mom, so you can guess how low my self-esteem … Read more

what are interpersonal skills? and How to improve them?

What Are Interpersonal Skills and How To Improve Them

What are the interpersonal skills? It is the people skills that you and I use every day to communicate and interact with others at a workplace, in a team meeting, in relationships and pretty much everywhere and anywhere. These skills are one of my top criteria to use when evaluating employees’ performance and future candidates … Read more

Always Believe In Yourself, Learn Why Most People Are Insecure and How To Boost Your Self-Belief

Always Believe In Yourself and Learn Why Most People Are Insecure

Always believe in yourself, my grandma used to tell me every time I was down. In today’s society, thanks to all the advanced technology that we conveniently have access to, it is easier said than done. Insecurity, anxiety, depression, and low self-esteem, in general, have become some of the main tools for creating humorous posts … Read more

50 Best Self-Help Books You Must Read That Will Put You On The Right Path In Your Life

50 Best Self-Help Books of All Time That Will Change Your Life

Books can provide us with such a wealth of support, knowledge, and inspiration in many areas of our lives. I remembered the books that I picked up which became two of my favorite best self-help books were How To Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie and Six Pillars of Self-Esteem. These books that … Read more

Positive Words - Your Daily Practice To Create Self-Affirmation

Positive Words – Your Daily Practice To Create Self-Affirmation

The founder of psychoanalysis Sigmund Freud once remarked that “Words have magical power. They can bring either the greatest happiness or deepest despair; they can transfer knowledge from teacher to student; words enable the orator to sway his audience and dictate its decisions. Words are capable of arousing the strongest emotions and prompting all men’s … Read more

5 Worst Causes of Low Self-Esteem That Make You Hate Yourself

5 Worst Causes of Low Self-Esteem That Make You Hate Yourself

Causes of low self-esteem can be recognized and low self-esteem can be unlearned. A lack of self-esteem is a corrosive force, eroding our confidence and inevitably causing major harm to our ability to form lasting, loving and healthy relationships. Some of us wear our self-esteem lightly, untroubled by self-doubt or life’s changes. Others strap their … Read more