9 Hidden Triggers Narcissists Use to Feed Off Your Reactions

9 Hidden Triggers Narcissists Use to Feed Off Your Reactions

Ah, narcissists. We’ve all dealt with them. They’re like that weed growing on your beautiful grass and if you don’t take care of it, it will over your entire garden and choked all the other life out of it. Narcissists live for one thing: supply. Not the kind of supply like food or water, no, … Read more

Tips On How to Manipulate The Narcissistic Manipulator

5 Tips On How to Manipulate The Narcissistic Manipulator

Growing up in a family with a narcissist feels like you’re always in the middle of a high-stakes chess game. It’s exhausting, confusing, and downright infuriating, especially when that narcissist is your own mother, someone who should be your biggest supporter but instead tears you down. My experience growing up was marked by a mother … Read more

8 Typical Trauma Responses You’ll Face After Narcissistic Abuse

8 Typical Trauma Responses You’ll Face After Narcissistic Abuse

Narcissistic abuse is no walk in the park, it’s more like a marathon through a minefield. I can say that because I’ve been there years ago. If you’ve been there, you know that the aftermath isn’t just something you can just “shake off.” The effects run deep, and they stick around like that annoying pop … Read more

6 Ways A Narcissist Will Attempt To Destroy Your Sense Of Self

6 Subtle Ways Narcissists Destroy Your Sense of Self

Growing up in a toxic family can feel like being in a never-ending episode of emotional Survivor, except the tribe you want to vote off is your family. Throughout my youth, I learned a lot about how to fend for myself early on, mainly because my narcissistic mom, toxic sister, and brother were too busy … Read more

5 Ways Your Childhood Trauma is Sabotaging Your Happiness

5 Ways Your Childhood Trauma is Sabotaging Your Happiness

Let’s cut the crap, loneliness sucks. It’s that ugly, creeping feeling that shows up when you least expect it, usually right as you’re about to fall asleep or when you’re at a party pretending to enjoy yourself. But here’s the kicker, loneliness isn’t just about not having people around you. Nope. It’s way more insidious … Read more

20 tiny yet impactful habits that will change your life

20 Tiny Yet Impactful Habits That Change My Life

We’ve all heard the saying, “Little things make big things happen.” But what if I told you that some tiny, almost laughable habits could seriously tweak the trajectory of your life? Yeah, I know, it sounds like one of those over-the-top claims you see plastered over the internet. But stick with me, because what I’m … Read more

Why Grieving After Narcissist Abuse Is A Quintessential?

Why Grieving After Narcissist Abuse Is Quintessential?

You’ve just left a narcissistic relationship, whether it’s family or friends, let me be the first to say, congratulations on having the courage to take one of the hardest steps in your life. So, instead of feeling relief, you’re overwhelmed with sadness, trust me I get it. I was there myself a few years ago. … Read more

5 Types of People You Need When Healing From Narcissistic Abuse

5 Types of People You Need While Healing From Narcissistic Abuse

When you’re healing from narcissistic abuse, the journey can feel like a lonely, uphill battle. But here’s the truth: You don’t have to go through it alone. In fact, the people you surround yourself with during this time can either make or break your progress. Imagine them as your personal army, each with a unique … Read more

How You Can Insult Toxic People

Shut Down Narcissists With These 30+ Powerful Comebacks

Have you ever dealt with a toxic person who just seems to thrive on making everyone else miserable? You know, the kind of person who always has a snide comment, a passive-aggressive remark, or a way of turning every situation into a negative one. Well, it’s time to turn the tables and give them a … Read more

Why You Should Feel Lucky When Targeted By Narcissists?

Why You Should Feel Lucky When Targeted By Narcissists?

Let’s talk about something that’s probably been bugging you: why on earth do narcissists seem to zero in on you? I get it, it can feel downright awful to be targeted by someone who seems to thrive on manipulating and draining the life out of you. But what if I told you there’s a silver … Read more