35 Quick Comebacks to Crush a Narcissists’ Egos on The Spot

Dealing with a narcissist is like playing chess with someone who keeps changing the rules and then declares victory before the game even starts. They’ll twist your words, gaslight you, and leave you wondering why you bothered in the first place.

Trust me, I’ve been there.

Growing up with a mom who seemed to think my entire existence was a disappointment—and siblings who followed her lead—gave me a front-row seat to the narcissist circus.

But here’s the thing: you don’t need to let them run the show. Armed with the right phrases, you can keep your cool, set boundaries, and walk away feeling like you’ve won, even if they’re convinced otherwise.

Below are 35 verbal grenades that can disarm a narcissist without breaking a sweat.

Forget trying to change them. These phrases will help you stay calm and in control while they spiral into their usual chaos. I’ve tried them all—and trust me, they work.

1. “I need this behavior to stop.”

Direct and effective. My mom loved using guilt to manipulate me, but calmly asking her to stop? It threw her off her game every single time.

2. “That’s your perspective, I’ve got mine.”

My sister used to have a meltdown anytime I accomplished something she couldn’t. Instead of defending myself, I started using this line. It lets her know I’m not here to argue, but I’m definitely not subscribing to her reality.

3. “Hell no.”

Pure magic. It’s simple, to the point, and doesn’t need any justification. Narcissists hate boundaries, so throwing a “no” their way without an explanation? It’s like hitting them with a verbal brick wall.

4. “We’ll talk when you’ve calmed down.”

This one is gold. My mom could escalate a simple disagreement into a full-blown shouting match in under 60 seconds. This phrase lets them know their outbursts aren’t your problem—and you’ll deal with them when they’re back on planet Earth.

5. “You’re entitled to feel that way.”

Here’s a little nugget of gold. Narcissists expect you to dive into their emotional rollercoaster with them. Saying this is like handing them a ticket to ride that rollercoaster alone. No drama for you, just peace.

6. “Your tone is out of line.”

When my sister starts with her passive-aggressive jabs, this shuts her down immediately. Narcissists don’t expect you to call them out—especially on how they’re speaking. This line takes the wind right out of their sails.

7. “It’s fine if you don’t understand.”

Narcissists hate not being in control. When they pretend to be confused just to rile you up, this phrase gives you an easy escape.

8. “I know my truth.”

When they try to twist the facts or rewrite history, this phrase keeps you grounded. My sister loved to spin stories, but knowing where I stand? Priceless.

9. “What’s really going on here?”

Nothing cuts through their fake outrage faster than asking why they’re actually upset. Narcissists don’t want to deal with their real feelings, so this question usually leaves them sputtering.

10. “You’re right about that.”

This is my go-to for shutting down my sister when she’s fishing for validation. You’re not agreeing with anything important—just giving them enough to keep things moving. Bonus: it leaves them thinking they’ve won when you’ve already mentally checked out.

11. “I’m taking a break from this conversation.”

When the back-and-forth starts spiraling, sometimes you just need to peace out. My mom was notorious for dragging out arguments, and this phrase gave me an out every time.

12. “Okay, end?”

Narcissists throw tantrums like toddlers, expecting you to join them in the chaos. “Okay” is like a tranquilizer dart—calm, neutral, and completely disarming.

13. “I don’t owe you an explanation.”

This is a personal favorite. Narcissists thrive on making you feel like you have to justify everything. When my sister tried to guilt-trip me into explaining why I wasn’t including her in certain things, this phrase quickly ended the conversation.

14. “Let’s not waste time arguing.”

There are some battles you just don’t need to fight. My brother loved starting arguments over the smallest things. I’d drop this line, and boom—fight over before it even began.

15. “We’re done here.”

No more back-and-forth. No more emotional games. This phrase lets them know you’re not giving them any more of your time.

16. “What exactly do you want me to understand?”

Ah, the clarity bomb. Narcissists love being vague to keep you guessing. Toss this question at them, and watch them stumble over their own words. My mom used to go off on how I was a “failure,” and this line always made her stop mid-rant.

17. “Uh-huh, nope”

This one says you’re done engaging. It’s a polite way to end the conversation without actually ending the conversation.

18. “I’m not responsible for how you feel.”

Narcissists love making you feel guilty for their emotions. My mom was a pro at this, but the day I realized I wasn’t responsible for her feelings? Game over.

19. “You’re free to believe whatever you want.”

When my sister started spreading lies about me (to friends, family—anyone who would listen), I could’ve gone on the defensive. Instead, I hit her with this. It takes the power right out of their hands because you’re showing that their opinion doesn’t define your reality.

20. “I hear you. Anything else?”

Acknowledge their point without giving them the emotional reaction they’re fishing for. This phrase keeps things neutral and avoids escalating the situation.

21. “You’ve got five minutes—use them wisely.”

Narcissists love wasting your time. My mom used to do this constantly. Setting a time limit was a game-changer because it put me back in control of the conversation.

22. “Hmm. Yep, yep!”

A well-placed “Hmm” is sometimes all you need. It’s just enough to show you heard them without giving them anything to latch onto.

23. “I understand your feelings, but my stance remains.”

My sister always tried to bulldoze me into agreeing with her, especially when it came to my success. Instead of getting sucked into defending myself, I’d just hit her with this line and leave it at that.

24. “Keep this up, and I’m walking away.”

Narcissists will push you until you snap—unless you let them know you’re not staying for the show. This phrase is a polite “I’m out” that leaves them scrambling for control.

25. “I’m done entertaining this.”

This is for those times when a narcissist tries to drag you into their pit of never-ending nitpicking. My brother loved picking at small details just to prolong the argument. I used this line to shut it down every time.

26. “Let’s get back to what matters.”

Narcissists love turning every conversation into a twisted maze where you end up lost in a sea of irrelevant drama. My sister was a pro at this. This phrase is like a compass, steering the conversation back to what actually matters.

27. “I need you to hear me out. Do you think you can do that?”

You ever have a conversation where you can’t get a word in? That was my entire childhood. This phrase? A lifesaver. I learned independence early on, but dealing with a family that constantly talked over me? Different story. This phrase puts you back in the driver’s seat.

28. “Let’s talk when you’re ready to listen.”

If they’re not ready to hear you, there’s no point in engaging. My sister loved to steamroll conversations, but when I dropped this line, it became clear that I wasn’t there to be her emotional punching bag.

29. “I’m not engaging with that.”

Sometimes, you’ve just got to call it out. Narcissists want you to bite, but this phrase shows them you’re not even nibbling.

30. “Let’s pause and come back to this later.”

When things get heated, it’s always a good idea to hit the pause button. My mom was notorious for spiraling arguments, but this line always gave me an out.

31. “That’s not my problem to solve.”

Narcissists love projecting their issues onto you. This phrase flips the responsibility back to them—no more carrying their emotional baggage.

32. “We’re never going to see this the same way.”

I got tired of trying to explain myself to my brother (we never really had much of a relationship). Every time he tried to argue, I’d just drop this line. It makes it clear you’re not here for his nonsense and shuts down the argument before it can even start.

33. “I’ll come back when this is calmer.”

Sometimes, the best option is to walk away. Narcissists thrive on chaos, but leaving the conversation until it’s calmer is a way to reclaim your sanity.

34. “Stop interrupting me, please.”

Narcissists think they’re the only ones who have anything valuable to say. My sister? The queen of interruptions. Every time I told her to stop cutting me off, she looked like I had personally insulted her. Which, honestly, made it even better.

35. “This conversation is so over.”

Narcissists thrive on dragging things out. Ending the conversation on your terms is a power move. My mom would try to keep arguments going, but once I started saying this, the game changed.

Deflate Their Egos Guilt-Free

Navigating narcissists isn’t easy, I’ve had more than my fair share of practice.

Whether it’s my mom, my sister, or even people I’ve crossed paths with, these phrases have saved me more times than I can count. They’re simple, and direct, and they let you stay in control while the narcissist scrambles to keep their power.

Keep calm, be firm, and don’t let them pull you into their storm. Once they realize their tactics aren’t working, they lose their grip.

So next time you find yourself face-to-face with a narcissist, use a few of these phrases and watch them scramble to keep up.

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