Why It’s Your Fault For Staying With A Narcissist Longer Than You Should

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Let’s be real for a second, staying with a narcissist longer than we should isn’t something we’re proud of, but it happens. I’ve been there too, stuck in a cycle of manipulation and guilt, convincing myself things would change.

Pinterest - Pin with title "Why It’s Your Fault for Staying with a Narcissist Longer Than You Should" showing a sharply dressed man with intense expression sitting opposite a woman in a dimly lit room.

Yes, I ignored the red flags, and on top of that, I was willing to sacrifice my values and beliefs just to be with that person. The truth is, I allowed myself to stay because I wasn’t ready to face the pain of walking away.

Pinterest - Pin with title "Why We Stay in Toxic Relationships & How to Break Free" showing a grayscale close-up image of a distressed woman with her hands on her temples.

But at some point, we have to own that choice, not to shame ourselves, but to learn and grow. This video dives into why it’s so important to take responsibility and reclaim your power. Trust me, it’s not easy, but it’s necessary.

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