What to Do if Your Brother Is Toxic

What to Do if Your Brother Is Toxic? Steal My 13 Drama-Free Tips

Ever feel like you’re stuck in a dysfunctional family drama? Like your sibling is playing the villain role a little too well? If you’re nodding along, you’re not alone. Growing up in a household with parental favoritism can be tough, especially when it creates a toxic dynamic between siblings. In my case, I was the … Read more

25 Signs of a Toxic Brother

25 Signs of a Toxic Brother You Need to Watch Out!

As the middle child in a family with a golden boy brother, I know firsthand how it feels to have a younger brother who seems to have it all. He’s our mom’s favorite, he has the good looks, the whole package. Sadly, this special treatment came at a price, turning him into someone who prioritizes … Read more

toxic sister relationships.

Toxic Sister Relationships: Harmful Effects, Signs & Tips on How I Deal With Mine

Sisterhood isn’t always sunshine and rainbows, is it? We’ve all seen movies where sisters are best friends, confidantes, and each other’s cheerleaders. But for some of us, reality paints a different picture, one where “sisterhood” comes with a hefty dose of drama, manipulation, and even emotional abuse. Yep, I’m talking about the often unspoken struggle … Read more

What to Do When Your Sister Betrays You?

What to Do When Your Sister Betrays You? My Smart Ways

Life throws curveballs, but perhaps the greatest heartache comes when a close family member does something to hurt you behind your back. Trust me. I know firsthand how it feels to be betrayed by someone I thought would always have my back. My sister threw me under the bus in my time of need, and … Read more

My Sister Is Jealous of My Success

My Sister Is Jealous of My Success: Here’s What I Did

Growing up as the middle child, I was either neglected or constantly blamed for every family hiccup. Compared to my golden child sister who was showered with praise and admiration, all I got was criticism. Fast forward to today, and things are, well, different. I’m happily married, found career success, and living an overall amazing … Read more

How Do You Survive a Toxic Sister

How Do You Survive a Toxic Sister: Want My Survival Guide?

Remember that sinking feeling in your stomach after your sister once again managed to twist the narrative, leaving you feeling blamed and misunderstood? Yeah, me too. Growing up with a narcissistic mother and a golden child sister, I know the struggle of having a dysfunctional family relationship. I can still picture the many times she … Read more

How to Deal With a Jealous Sister

11 Steps on How to Deal With a Jealous Sister: Apply My Exact Strategies

Ever feel like your sister secretly plots against your happiness? I get it. Growing up, my narcissistic mom gave my sister the golden child treatment.  But while she was showered with affection and admiration, her path to adulthood wasn’t exactly paved with roses. Now, my older sibling is jealous of me, her friends, and anyone … Read more

My Sister Is Jealous of My Relationship

My Sister Is Jealous of My Relationship: Signs & What I Did!

Ugh, sisterly love, right? Sometimes it’s sunshine and giggles, other times it’s a full-blown thunderstorm of jealousy. Yeah, that sums up my experience with my sis. Growing up, she was the golden child, while I, well, let’s just say I marched to the beat of my own drum. So, imagine her surprise (and let’s be … Read more

When You Should Let Go of Your Toxic Sister?

When You Should Let Go of Your Toxic Sister? My Personal Experience

We all dream of having picture-perfect sibling connections. But what if reality throws you a curveball, and they become the source of your stress? Having a difficult relationship with a sister is no walk in the park. Trust me, I would know. I grew up with a narcissistic mother who viewed my sister as her … Read more

How to Cut Ties With a Toxic Sister

How to Cut Ties With a Toxic Sister Before Losing Your Mind

It’s never easy to cut someone out of your life, especially family. But when their toxicity is turning your life into a living nightmare, cutting ties is sometimes the only way to save yourself. Trust me, I’ve been there. My sister was a master manipulator who left me emotionally drained and confused. But guess what? … Read more