Why Am I Always the Scapegoat in My Family? And How I Got Out?

Why Am I Always the Scapegoat in My Family? And How I Got Out?

Why am I always the scapegoat? What is so wrong about me? This question has haunted me for as long as I can remember. I feel that I was being constantly blamed, criticized, and held responsible for things that weren’t even my fault. If you feel the same way, don’t let it bother you because … Read more

Family Scapegoat Estrangement: How I Deal With the Aftermath?

Family Scapegoat Estrangement: How I Deal With the Aftermath?

Being the family scapegoat is like wearing a heavy coat of blame, always feeling like you’re in the wrong, no matter what you do. It’s a bit like playing a never-ending game of “pin the blame on the scapegoat” where you’re left feeling misunderstood, isolated, and unfairly treated. I know because I’ve been there. And … Read more