Why Am I Always the Scapegoat in My Family? And How I Got Out?

Why Am I Always the Scapegoat in My Family? And How I Got Out?

Why am I always the scapegoat? What is so wrong about me? This question has haunted me for as long as I can remember. I feel that I was being constantly blamed, criticized, and held responsible for things that weren’t even my fault. If you feel the same way, don’t let it bother you because … Read more

Family Scapegoat Estrangement: How I Deal With the Aftermath?

Family Scapegoat Estrangement: How I Deal With the Aftermath?

Being the family scapegoat is like wearing a heavy coat of blame, always feeling like you’re in the wrong, no matter what you do. It’s a bit like playing a never-ending game of “pin the blame on the scapegoat” where you’re left feeling misunderstood, isolated, and unfairly treated. I know because I’ve been there. And … Read more

What Happens When the Scapegoat Becomes Successful in the Family? Here’s My Story

What Happens When the Scapegoat Becomes Successful in the Family? Here’s My Story

What happens when the family’s designated “troublemaker” defies expectations and achieves success? When the scapegoat becomes successful, it’s like a plot twist in the family drama you never saw coming. My own journey from being the black sheep to achieving success was a rollercoaster of emotions, struggles, and unexpected triumphs. So, if you’ve ever felt … Read more

When the Scapegoat Fights Back: I Wasn't Born to be a Pushover!

When the Scapegoat Fights Back: I Wasn’t Born to be a Pushover!

I always thought I was destined to be the family’s perpetual scapegoat, taking the blame for everything. But, one day, I realized that being my family’s punching bag was not something I wanted to continue and I decided I’d had enough. I confronted the stigma, questioned my role in a narrative not of my making, … Read more