What Is It Like Growing Up With a Narcissistic Father?

What Is It Like Growing Up With a Narcissistic Father? Here’s My Story

Family bonds. Shared blood. A supposed guarantee of love and support. Yet, for my cousins, in these very ties lie a twisted truth they know intimately: the cost of growing up with a narcissistic father. My uncle, not unlike his sister (my own mother), cast a long shadow of self-absorption over his children’s lives, leaving … Read more

why do I keep overthinking my relationship

Why Do I Keep Overthinking My Relationship? Here’s Why

Why do I keep overthinking my relationship? It’s a question that’s echoed in my mind countless times. One minute, everything feels perfect, and the next, I’m dissecting a text message like it holds the secrets of the universe. A simple “hey” becomes a full-blown analysis of his mood and a canceled dinner spirals into a … Read more

how to stop overthinking in a long distance relationship

How To Stop Overthinking in a Long Distance Relationship? My Personal Takes

If you’ve ever been in a long-distance relationship, you know how real the struggle can be. Miles between you and your special someone can mean missing cuddles, movie nights, and all that good stuff. The worst part? The overthinking monster whispering doubts in your ear. “Is he seeing someone else?” “Are we drifting apart?” Yep, … Read more

how i stand up to my sister's manipulation

How I Stand Up to My Sister’s Manipulation: 9 Things I Did

You know what’s something pretty personal but probably hits home for many of you? Dealing with manipulation from a family member, especially a sister. It’s a tricky dynamic, and I’ve definitely had my fair share of navigating through it. But along the way, I’ve learned a few things that might just help you out too. … Read more

the art of saying 'no' to my toxic siblings

The Art of Saying ‘No’ to My Toxic Siblings: My Personal 9 Tips

Ever find yourself always saying “yes” to things you really want to say “no” to, especially when dealing with toxic siblings? Been there too, and let me tell you, learning the art of saying ‘no’ to toxic siblings is like discovering a superpower that can truly transform your life for the better. Growing up, I … Read more

Overcoming Intimidation From My Toxic Siblings

Overcoming Intimidation From My Toxic Siblings: What Works?

While some sibling relationships are filled with love and loyalty, mine reeks of toxicity. Growing up, I had to live with the constant intimidation from my older sister and younger brother, and let me tell you, it’s draining. Sometimes, I catch myself replaying past conversations and wonder if I might have said something wrong for … Read more


Cultivating Your Inner Confidence Against Sibling Toxicity

Cultivating Inner Confidence Against Sibling Toxicity Cultivating Inner Confidence Against Sibling Toxicity Have you ever felt like you’re constantly walking on eggshells around your siblings, unsure of where you stand or if you’ll ever measure up? If that resonates with you, trust me, I’ve been right there beside you. Being stuck in the middle of … Read more

overthinking when dating

Overthinking When Dating: Signs, Causes, and Ways To Nip It for Good!

Overthinking when dating is like having a movie playing in your head, except it’s a suspense thriller filled with doubt and uncertainty. You replay every conversation, analyze every text, and scrutinize every detail, trying to decipher hidden meanings. Sounds exhausting, doesn’t it? But you’re not alone. I, too, have fallen into the same overthinking trap, … Read more

how to explain overthinking in a relationship

8 Ways How To Explain Overthinking in a Relationship

Ever find yourself replaying that conversation with your boo in your head, dissecting every word for hidden meanings? Maybe you catastrophize about the future, conjuring up worst-case scenarios that leave you in a cold sweat. Yeah, me too. I know how it feels to be stuck in the land of overthinking, where your mind becomes … Read more