how to explain overthinking in a relationship

8 Ways How To Explain Overthinking in a Relationship

Ever find yourself replaying that conversation with your boo in your head, dissecting every word for hidden meanings? Maybe you catastrophize about the future, conjuring up worst-case scenarios that leave you in a cold sweat. Yeah, me too. I know how it feels to be stuck in the land of overthinking, where your mind becomes … Read more

how to apologize for overthinking in a relationship

How To Apologize for Overthinking in a Relationship? Steps I Took

Replaying conversations in your head, imagining worst-case scenarios, getting all worked up about nothing— ugh! As an overthinker myself, trust me, I know the feeling. Overthinking is a common part of every relationship. But while it happens to the best of us, it can definitely cause problems between you and your partner, as it did … Read more

How to Stop Overthinking After a Breakup

How to Stop Overthinking After a Breakup [My 11 Tips & Rules for Healing]

Let’s face it, breakups are the worst. One minute you’re planning your summer getaway together, the next you’re drowning in a sea of “what-ifs” and “should-haves.” That post-breakup anxiety can be brutal. I remember replaying every conversation in my head to try and figure out what went wrong. But that can’t be healthy, right? If … Read more

Can Overthinking Ruin a Relationship?

Can Overthinking Ruin a Relationship? Here’s My Answer

Haven’t we all been there? You replay that conversation in your head, analyzing every text message, wondering if your partner is mad (or worse, bored!). When I noticed myself doing this, I wondered, “Can overthinking ruin a relationship?” The answer, as I have learned the hard way, is a resounding yes. Every relationship – no matter … Read more

How to Stop Overthinking When Dating Someone New?

How to Stop Overthinking When Dating Someone New? Try These Tips

Did you meet someone new? That’s great! Dating can be fun, but if we’re going to be honest, relationships are hard. It’s easy to get stuck in your head overthinking every text and every glance. You spend way too much time wondering, “What does this mean?” than actually enjoying getting to know them. Sound familiar? … Read more

How to Stop Overthinking After Being Cheated On

25 Ways on How to Stop Overthinking After Being Cheated On

Have you ever had your world collapse after finding out your partner cheated? Yep, been there, done that. I was 27, rocking life with confidence until my partner cheated and rewrote the script. The trust I had, not just in him, but in everyone, shattered. It even affected my amazing relationship with my now-husband! Thankfully, … Read more

Toxic Brother Relationships

Toxic Brother Relationships: Signs, Root Cause & How to Heal

We’ve all seen it in movies – the constant jabs, the competition that feels less playful and more like a bloodsport. But sometimes, that on-screen drama bleeds into real life. Yep, I’m talking about toxic brother relationships. In my case, it was my younger sibling. Growing up, I never quite fit the mold my narcissistic … Read more