Why You Should Feel Lucky When Targeted By Narcissists?

Let’s talk about something that’s probably been bugging you: why on earth do narcissists seem to zero in on you? I get it, it can feel downright awful to be targeted by someone who seems to thrive on manipulating and draining the life out of you.

But what if I told you there’s a silver lining here? Stick with me, and by the end of this, you might actually feel a bit lucky that you caught the eye of a narcissist. Crazy, right?

Let’s get into why this might not be such a bad thing after all.

  • Narcissists target individuals with desirable qualities like empathy, intelligence, and strength, seeking to exploit these traits for their own benefit.
  • Being chosen by a narcissist can be seen as a backhanded compliment, indicating that you possess admirable and enviable characteristics.
  • The experience of dealing with a narcissist can lead to personal growth, stronger boundaries, and greater self-awareness, ultimately making you more resilient and empowered.

Why Narcissists Target You?

1. They Want What You Have

First things first, let’s clear up a big misconception: narcissists don’t pick their targets because they’re weak or easy to manipulate. Nope. They target people who have something they want but don’t possess.

Think about it, your empathy, your strength, your intelligence. These are qualities that narcissists deeply crave but can never truly embody. They see you as a shiny object that they desperately want to own.

The desire to possess what they lack drives narcissists to select targets who exemplify these traits. It’s almost like they’re looking for a personal upgrade. They believe that by being close to you, they can absorb some of your qualities.

However, this is a flawed belief, as these traits are intrinsic and can’t be transferred or mimicked in the long term. Understanding this can help you see that their attention is more about their deficiencies than any flaw in you.

2. You Are a Mirror for Them

Ever noticed how a narcissist starts mirroring your behavior, your values, and even your mannerisms? This isn’t a coincidence. By mirroring you, they aim to gain your trust and admiration.

They latch onto your best qualities, the ones that make you stand out, and reflect them on you. It’s flattering at first, but itโ€™s all part of their game to keep you close.

Mirroring serves two purposes: it makes you feel understood and creates an illusion of a deep, meaningful connection. This tactic is manipulative because itโ€™s based on deception.

The narcissist isnโ€™t genuinely aligning with your values or personality; theyโ€™re performing a role to win your trust. Recognizing this can help you see through their facade and maintain a clearer perspective on the relationship.

3. The Foundation of a Trauma Bond

A trauma bond is a fake connection built on manipulation and deceit. Narcissists create this bond by exploiting your best traits, your kindness, your empathy, and your ability to see the good in people.

They use these qualities to pull you into their web. It’s not because you’re weak; it’s because you’re strong and they need that strength.

Trauma bonds are powerful because they mix intense positive and negative experiences, which can make the relationship feel addictive. You might find yourself making excuses for their behavior or feeling inexplicably drawn back to them despite the harm they cause.

Understanding that this bond is a deliberate manipulation can help you break free and reclaim your sense of self.

What Specific Qualities Do Narcissists Find Attractive in Their Targets?

1. Empathy

Narcissists are drawn to empathetic people like moths to a flame.

Your ability to understand and share the feelings of others is something they lack. They know that empathetic individuals are more likely to forgive, overlook faults, and give second chances, making it easier for them to manipulate and control.

Empathy allows you to connect deeply with others, but it also makes you more susceptible to emotional manipulation.

Narcissists exploit this by playing on your sympathy and desire to help. Being aware of this can help you set boundaries and protect your emotional well-being.

2. Strength

It might seem counterintuitive, but narcissists often seek out strong individuals.

Your inner strength is something they admire and want to harness for themselves. They are attracted to your resilience, your ability to bounce back from setbacks, and your overall fortitude. This strength provides a source of stability and support that they desperately crave.

Narcissists thrive on chaos and instability, often creating turmoil in their relationships. Your strength offers them a stabilizing force.

However, this dynamic can drain your energy and resources. Recognizing your strength as a target quality can help you be more selective about who gets to benefit from it.

3. Intelligence

Smart people are prime targets for narcissists.

They are drawn to your sharp mind, your problem-solving skills, and your insightful perspectives. Narcissists often use the intelligence of their targets to boost their own image, basking in the reflected glory of your accomplishments and insights.

Your intelligence makes you a valuable asset to a narcissist, but it can also be used against you. They may try to undermine your self-confidence or take credit for your ideas. Understanding this dynamic can help you assert your boundaries and protect your intellectual contributions.

4. Confidence

Confident individuals exude an energy that narcissists find irresistible.

Your self-assuredness and poise are qualities they wish they had. By associating with you, they feel more important and powerful. They hope to siphon off some of that confidence to bolster their own fragile self-esteem.

Confidence can be both a shield and a target. Narcissists may initially be drawn to your confidence but later attempt to erode it to make you more dependent on their approval. Staying grounded in your self-worth can help you resist these manipulative tactics.

5. Generosity

Your generous nature is like a treasure trove for a narcissist.

They are attracted to your willingness to give, whether it’s time, energy, or resources. Narcissists exploit this generosity, knowing that you are more likely to go out of your way to help them, often at your own expense.

Generosity is a beautiful trait, but it needs to be balanced with self-care. Narcissists will take advantage of your giving nature without reciprocating. Learning to set limits on your generosity can protect you from being drained and help you maintain healthier relationships.

6. Positivity

Optimistic and positive individuals are like a breath of fresh air to narcissists.

Your positive outlook on life, your ability to see the silver lining, and your infectious enthusiasm are qualities they lack and deeply desire. They use your positivity to mask their own negativity and create a more appealing facade.

While positivity can be a source of strength, it can also make you a target for those looking to exploit your optimistic nature. Being aware of this can help you stay vigilant and protect your positive energy from being siphoned off by manipulative individuals.

Why You Should Feel Lucky?

1. You Have What They Want

Feeling targeted by a narcissist can be downright draining, but consider this: they picked you because you’re awesome.


They saw something in you that they desperately wanted. Your resilience, your intelligence, your empathyโ€”these are all qualities that make you a cut above the rest. So, in a twisted way, being targeted is a compliment.

Understanding that you possess qualities that others envy can be empowering. Itโ€™s a reminder of your unique strengths and the value you bring to any relationship.

This realization can help you appreciate yourself more and recognize the importance of protecting these qualities from those who seek to exploit them.

2. You Are Stronger Than You Think

Narcissists don’t pick losers. They pick the best, the smartest, the most capable, and the most giving people.

If you’ve been targeted, it’s because you are stronger and smarter than them. They need you more than you need them. Think about that for a moment. You hold the power they crave.

Realizing your inherent strength can be a game-changer. It shifts the narrative from victimhood to empowerment.

You are not weak for being targeted; you are strong, and your strength intimidates them. This perspective can boost your confidence and help you reclaim your power in the relationship.

3. You Can Use This Experience to Grow

Every interaction with a narcissist is a learning experience. It’s a chance to strengthen your boundaries, to practice self-love, and to recognize your own worth.

You get to see, firsthand, how your best qualities can be both a blessing and a curse. But more importantly, you learn how to protect those qualities from being exploited.

Personal growth often comes from the most challenging experiences. Dealing with a narcissist can teach you valuable lessons about self-care, resilience, and the importance of maintaining healthy boundaries.

These lessons can serve you well in all areas of your life, making you a more self-aware and empowered individual.

You’re a Hidden Gem

So, next time you find yourself targeted by a narcissist, remember this: it’s because you’re exceptional. You have qualities they can only dream of possessing.

Use this knowledge to strengthen your boundaries, practice self-love, and protect your incredible traits from being exploited.

Feel lucky, because you are.

You’re stronger, smarter, and more capable than any narcissist who tries to bring you down. And that, my friend, is something to be proud of.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why do narcissists target certain individuals?

Narcissists target individuals with qualities they admire and want to exploit, such as empathy, intelligence, and strength.

Is being targeted by a narcissist a sign of weakness?

No, being targeted by a narcissist often indicates that you possess desirable traits that they lack.

How can I protect myself from narcissistic manipulation?

Protect yourself by setting firm boundaries, practicing self-love, and recognizing your own worth.

Can dealing with a narcissist lead to personal growth?

Yes, it can enhance your resilience, self-awareness, and ability to set healthy boundaries.

Why should I feel lucky if a narcissist targets me?

You should feel lucky because it means you have admirable qualities that even a narcissist finds enviable.

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